
Symposium - ''Enhancing Affordability and Social Care in Japan and the UK: Comparative Evaluation of Policy and Practice'', Oxford Brookes University, September 2019

Jointly funded by the Arts and Humanities and Economic and Social Research Councils, this one-day symposium explores housing policy challenges and initiatives in Japan and the UK, with a focus on the challenges of ageing populations and the rise of housing precarity and unaffordability. The symposium brings together academics and practitioners from both countries to explore the challenges and opportunities for future housing policy and practice.


10.00-10.30: Registration and coffee

10.30-11.00: Introduction to the project

11.00-11.30: Integrating housing and social care: the UK context (Dr Youngha Cho, Oxford Brookes University)

11.30-12.00: Integrating housing and social care: the Japanese context (Professor Michihiko Tokoro, Osaka City University)

12.00-12.30: Vacant housing in the UK: challenges and opportunities (Dr Mel Nowicki, Oxford Brookes University)

12.30-13.00: Vacant housing in Japan: challenges and opportunities (Dr Yasushi Sukenari Tokyo University)

13.00-14.00: Lunch

14.00-14.15: Vacant house measures by Tokyo Metropolitan Housing Supply Corporation (Mari Matsumoto, Public Corporation for Housing Improvement and Development)

14.15-14.45: Lessons from a Healthy New Town, Ebbsfleet Garden City (Kevin McGeoug, Direcotor, Healthy New Town Programme)

14.45-15.15: What can we learn about dwelling from older ex-offenders in Japan and the UK? (Dr Jason Danely, Oxford Brookes University)

15.15-15.45: Coffee break

15.45-16.45: Discussion workshop session

16.45-17.30: Closing remarks and website launch

17.30- Evening reception and dinner